Kent Competition Rules


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  1. All players must hold a current Pétanque England membership card issued by the Kent Pétanque Association and show it at registration at every KPA competition. This can be electronically or a printed version. Any team member failing to produce a valid membership card when required will be levied a fine of £5. Entry to the event will be declined if this fine is not paid.
  2. All players in a team must wear matching tops although fleeces/sweatshirts do not have to be the same colour as the t shirt. Waterproofs do not need to match. Players failing to wear matching kit will be levied a fine of £5. Entry to the event will be declined if this fine is not paid. Previous or current KPA must not be worn.
  3. Only teams who have properly registered by close of registration will be permitted to play. Play will commence as soon as possible after the completion and announcement of the draw. At least one team member must be present when the draw is announced. This is the responsibility of the team captain. Any absent team at the draw will forfeit the right to choose terrain (via the toss of a coin) if the team is still absent after 5 minutes. The organiser will time 5 minutes from when the draw starts to be announced. Where a team is deemed to be absent beyond 5 minutes their opponents will choose a piste. The absent team will be penalised, and their opponents awarded 1 point for every further 2 minutes of absence. The competition organiser’s decision is final.
  4. The format of play will be decided on the day by the organiser.
  5. Any player entering a KPA event must be aware that being a winner or runner up means that they will be eligible to represent Kent in the subsequent Champion of Champions tournament. The KPA encourage and hope teams will go forward to play in the Champion of Champions tournament, although it is not mandatory.
  6. Any player owing money to the KPA will not be able to register and enter KPA events until all outstanding monies owed to the KPA are paid in full.