Regional Manager Role
RulesNeed to download these rules? Click below:
Regional Manager Role downloadBefore attending the Inter Regional Championships, each manager should make sure he /she knows the team order and players in each team.
Try to make contact with all squad members on the Friday evening to make sure they are prepared before the tournament starts on the Saturday. Remind players about bringing their licence to the pistes and wearing Kent kit. Make sure players know what time to be on the piste Saturday morning.
To attend meetings promptly as required by the organisers. This will include a managers’ meeting around 8.15am on Saturday morning. At this meeting the manager will receive a manager’s pack containing details of your squad’s Saturday fixtures. A similar meeting will also be held early on Sunday morning. Specific details from these meetings may need to be conveyed to the squad before plays starts. Managers can also take this opportunity for a brief motivational talk.
To ensure players know where they are playing over both days and expect players to arrive on time. At the end of each game advise teams of the pistes for their next games and what time they need to be there. It may be possible for teams who have finished to encourage and support other Kent teams still playing.
To record scores of Kent teams and secure signature to confirm as correct from opposing captain and the Kent team captain for each team. A manager must collect all of the squad’s scores for each round and it is a good idea to keep a personal record too. A manager is required to stay near the block of pistes until the final game has been completed in each round in order to collect final scores and signatures. In the case of slow games this may mean that the next round has already started so you may only get short breaks between rounds and for lunch.
To report scores promptly to control centre / organisers.
To promote well being of team players including carrying a supply of bottled water, a small first aid kit. A good supply of sweets for the squad is also very popular with players!!
To build and foster team spirit and shared sense of purpose across teams. Encourage teams to support each other and let them know how Kent teams are performing at the end of each round along with Kent’s overall position.
To motivate and inspire team players to be as good as they can be playing for Kent. As a manager interact with teams to be an integral part of the squad. This includes giving encouragement, giving advice on play, asking if a team has considered a substitution etc. A manager should also try to resolve any problems/disputes that arise over the weekend.
Following the event, the manager is expected to write a brief report on how teams within the Kent squad performed, detail any problems faced and make recommendations as appropriate.
The manager for the Junior squad must ensure he/she has completed the appropriate current documents to conform with safeguarding legislation. This is a significant requirement to ensure that the KPA maintains high standards of safeguarding. The Junior squad manager will be expected to set and monitor appropriate times for Juniors to be back in their chalets in the evenings.
With grateful thanks for contributions by Corinne and Mark Cooter December 2018