On August Bank Holiday this year Istead Rise Community Centre held a day for all the Clubs that work from the centre to take part in a promotional day. Istead Rise Pétanque Club was one of these clubs.
This was an event that should have been outside (where else would you play pétanque in this country!). For this purpose we organised an information tent with a number of items being supplied by Pen-y-Coed, and with financial support from the KPA, two banners were made, one for the tent and another for the piste. These banners contained club information, practice and league days and times and contact numbers.
However true to our climate and weather forecast the heavens opened so everything (except for the Archers – not the ones on the radio!) was transferred to the large hall. Being first to arrive we were able to chose a good position. We attached our Banner to two tables. This was important as all our club details were visible to everyone. Information, goodies and playing equipment were put on the tables along with an iPad showing live games, so this gave people a good idea of how our sport is played. This showed on repeat all day.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people do not know about our sport or even realise they have played it on the beach with dog boule or the coloured plastic boules. We had numerous enquiries about pétanque and a few people showed interested – Club members went and physically ushered people over to our stall (no they were not forced by having their arms twisted!). It was good for Club members as it gave them contact with local people.
Whilst a lot of people were interested and took photos of our banner we have only managed to encourage two people who, in between the rain, managed to try our sport on the piste. However we felt it was a productive day as numerous people were made aware of the sport and how it’s played. It also gave our club recognition with locals who now inquire on league nights, ‘how we’re doing’.
Who knows what future membership we will achieve. Perhaps people will look through their photos and remind themselves that we are here. Information to date from this promotional day is that we have 8-12 men visiting us this week in November to ‘have a go’. Our Club Members now want an open day as they feel quite positive about another promotional event.
We would encourage Clubs to do this and be patient for outcomes! With thanks to the KPA and Pen-y-Coed for their support. We did apply to Pétanque England but are still awaiting a reply.
Report by Sheila King, Istead Rise PC.