The summer season has come to an end with the start of the Winter League very close on the horizon. Several matches during the summer have had to be rearranged, and the vast majority have been done so with agreement. However it is a shame a couple of matches just couldnt be worked out. The comments I have heard though have been positive and expressions of enjoyment in our game have been strong.
As for the Inter Regional Championship, Kent came second again which was so frustrating for all involved. The ability we had in the squad gave us a real chance of taking the title. In fact we had a good deal of talent left at home that hadnt been able to enter the qualifiers for various reasons. It would be good to see them back playing again in the qualifiers next year.
The KPA Website has settled down very well with a good deal of content keeping everyone informed. The website is there for all members and clubs under the KPA banner. It would be good to have some content to inform a wider range of members. Club history/events etc would be very welcome. It is your oportunity to exchange information.
The KPA and KPL joint Annual General Meetings are getting closer. To be held at Hartley Country Club on Thursday 21st November, with the usual buffet and presentations too. Don’t forget it’s your AGM – Any potential rule or constitution changes please submit to the relevant KPA or KPL secretary in good time. The AGM call document has gone out to all club secretaries inviting these resolutions. It will also be good to see as many members / team representatives there as we can – the KPA want to hear from you!
Finally, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Kent teams who won the PE Champion of Champions Doubles and Triples events held on 12/13th October at GRFC. This is where the regional winners and runners up from each region of Petanque England are invited to come down for the weekend to play off against all the others to find the Champion of Champions.
Becky Edwins & Jason White won the doubles and then Dean Ashby, Rowland Jones & Jason White won the triples, completing another superb double for Jason!
I will leave it there and hopefully see you all at the AGM.